Plaid Shep Shirt | Ariel and Alder

Plaid Shep Shirt

"Whaley" excited about this post! (hehe, can't seem to stop with the whale puns!)

I have had my eye on a Vineyard Vines shep shirt for quite some time and even had it listed at the top of my Christmas list this year! So when I arrived home from Thanksgiving break to find one at my doorstep, I just about passed out. What a way to kick off the Christmas season!

Let me preface this by admitting that I haven't taken this shirt off since it arrived, seriously I think its been over 48 hours by now. Yikes! It's just so easy to wear it running errands, going to class, to meet someone for coffee. The possibilities are endless I keep adding more and more appropriate occasions to the list. Probably my favorite feature of the shirt is the plaid shoulder fabric, I mean it doesn't take much to convince me that plaid is the most versatile pattern ever. Extra festive this time of year!

All of the shops in my college town have put up holiday decorations! So adorable! I've been bearing the cold and taking the long walk back to my car just to admire all the window set ups.

Outfit Details: Shep Shirt (c/o)/ Denim/ Short Hunter Boots/ Headband/ Earrings (Similar Here)

Vineyard Vines is not only a favorite brand of mine but the story of how the brand started is one of my all time favorites! I think it captures the "quit your job and run with it" spirit of entrepreneurship!

"In the late nineties we found ourselves miserable behind desks in Manhattan so we decided to trade in our business suits for bathing suits by selling ties so we wouldn't have to wear them. We got our wisdom teeth pulled while we still had insurance, leased cars while we still had jobs and signed up for every credit card we could. We quit our jobs within ten minutes of each other, ordered some drinks, clinked our glasses together and vineyard vines was officially open for business.

We delivered our first 800 ties July 3rd, 1998, and sold out in the first week. We quickly re-ordered, paid off our debt, hit the road and moved into our first office. After that, we moved to a bigger office and hired a few friends to help out. Then, we moved to an even bigger office, hired even more people, and opened a few more retail stores, proving that the American Dream is alive and well. 

Today, we're in an even bigger office and are opening more stores across the country. We have an incredible team by our side and no plans of slowing down anytime soon. And we couldn't have done it without the support of our family and friends. People always say that if you do what you love, you'll be successful. There's no doubt that we're doing what we love and loving what we do: we're having fun, working hard and meeting great people."

So inspiring! Like I of my favorites!

Whats your go-to combo for "festive comfy" this holiday season?


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1 comment:

  1. You are too cute! Love that shirt too... it looks so comfortable and perfect for the colder months!
    xo, Scarlett
    The Trendy Chick
