Autumn Lip Balm | Ariel and Alder

Autumn Lip Balm

So we have already been over the fact that I'm a seasonal junkie, down to the details. I wear seasonal socks, drink seasonal tea, have seasonal why not go one step further and use seasonal lip balm. Im a little bit over the top, but I like to think of it as enthusiasm. 

Insert my latest obsession, Crazy Rumors. They offer a full array of seasonal flavors and because I can't choose, I've been carrying them all in my purse with "candy corn" on deck for halloween weekend. 

Need more info? Ive got you covered with the adorable rainbow graphic below!

Obsessed, is an understatement and I never felt more in the autumn spirit! 

Happy Halloween Eve!

This post was sponsored by Crazy Rumors. Thank you for supporting the brand partnerships that make The PDX Prepster a possibility!

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