What To Wear On Valentines Day | Ariel and Alder

What To Wear On Valentines Day

I get so caught up in the fall and then the holidays that I forget just how much I love February, it always sneaks up on me every year. The extra pink and red always remind me of days spent in a classroom slaving away over detailed valentines for all my classmates. Valentines Day has always been one of my favorites, and I try my best to celebrate the love of everyone involved in my life. 

It always cracks me up when someone resents this holiday because they are currently romantically single, because usually they have tons of people around who love them. Parents, siblings, friends, and even perfect strangers all often merit a thoughtful Valentine. Just my way of thinking.

What to wear in February always depends on the occasion, but for me its always filled with chilly days spent in casual wear. By the time Valentines Day rolls around I'm usually so over dresses because of one too many christmas parties. This year (and last year!) I went for something casual and comfortable. 

Anthropologie is always my go to for unique scarves and this light fluffy pink one did not disappoint. I spotted it during the holidays but was preoccupied with gathering gifts for other people that I passed on picking it up. Now its on sale and I am so glad that I snagged it! Perfect for this time of year!

Outfit Details: Scarf (on sale!)/ Striped ShirtWatch (c/o)/ DenimCardiganMini Acorn Necklace/ Ring (vintage, similar options here)/ "Roshe Run" Sneakers

In Oregon and looking for a good restaurant recommendation for V-day? I try to update my Oregon guide regularly, check it out here


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