So excited to share todays post! I am teaming up with one of my favorite artists, Evelyn Henson to share some of my beauty obsessions.
Now full disclosure, I'm not a makeup guru in any sense of the word. I like trying new products, but I tend to save the splurging for fragrance, nail color, and lip products (all about this chapstick) which may explain my obsessions. Thank you Evelyn for illustrating them so beautifully!
YSL “Sheer Candy" Lipstick- The best kind of lipstick…for people who hate the [.....]
Totally catching spring fever and on the off chance it stops outfit choice reflects this mentality. Pastels, neutrals, and the occasional pair of sandals followed by the occasional case of frost bite.
Currently, it is pouring outside and we are on a 4 hour drive to Bend for a few days! If you miss me at all or just want to say hi, you can follow my trip on Instagram! (and now Snapchat @pdxprepster!)
Outfit Details: Joie Tee (now on sale!)/ Denim/ Crystal [.....]
Ever have one of those weekends that fails to feel like a weekend at all? Yep. Thats how my weekend is going thus far. My to-do list is a mile long and spring cleaning is in full swing.
But hey, at least the sun is shining (what...) and I have a new navy dress to fit this unusual weather. Piol Dress (last talked about here) sent the softest dress to try out in the Oregon sunshine and no surprise, it fits like a glove!
Spent this past weekend (+Monday) in San Francisco! Here is a little re-cap of my trip...way after the fact. Whoops!
Lets start off with my parents new puppy, Scarlett. She is so so so small and I know it won't stay that way forever so I'm trying to get in as many hugs as possible while I still can. Leaving her cute face behind for the airport at the crack of dawn was so hard.
Then one short (bumpy!) flight later I arrived in SF! [.....]
Oregon has been all over the place with spring weather, occasional downpour mixed with sunshine and intermittent heat waves. Its all over the map and you never know what your going to need till the moment you need it. To give you some idea of just how random it is, I have been keeping both umbrellas and shorts ready to go in my car.
With that in mind I recently snagged this color blocked cape so that I could swap out my "layer [.....]
Hoo-ray It's Saturday!
Whatever your plans be sure to have a wonderful, relaxing, and productive weekend. I will be spending my weekend oh-so-vigourously crossing things off my to-do list. Party animal, I know.
Outfit Details: Boots/ Zara Blouse (thrifted, similar here)/ Monogrammed Tote (c/o)/ Denim/ Anthropologie Turquoise Earrings (on sale for ten dollars! and how cute is this matching bracelet)/ Felt Hat (under forty dollars)/ Sunglasses/ Long Turquoise Necklace (c/o)/ Nail Color/ House of Harlow Pave Pendant [.....]
"I should have bought this dress in a more practical color"
That's what I thought as soon as I left the J.Crew Factory Store with it. And while classic and staple items are undeniably important, I also think there is something to be said about having one or two slightly impractical items in your closet. As long as you love it, wear it a few times each season, and it isn't gathering dust....I would call that a win.
Outfit Details: Highlighter Scalloped [.....]