DIY Medical Box With Phil | Ariel and Alder

DIY Medical Box With Phil

I know I have been complaining about moving houses non-stop for the last few months so I apologize in advance if this just sounds like more of the same but you guys I am so tired!! We started the home searching process in March, started packing in April, and finally moved in May/June so it really does feel like I have been "moving" forever. 

I have moved before, and will most likely move again...but one thing I really didn't anticipate was moving during allergy season! I needed to keep my meds out where I could see them during the process and in between homes, I even ended up needing them in the moving van. 

When faced with any organizational/coordination/ logistical issue, I often drum up a DIY project to serve as a fix. In this case the box pictured below (coupled with an incredibly handy prescription delivery service) is what I came up with worked like a charm. I toted it around to both houses with my meds in tow and was easily able to spot it from far away.

If you are like me and allergy medications are a seasonal occurrence, it gets really easy to forget to go to the pharmacy and refill in time. Todays blog post is sponsored by Phil, a company that delivers prescriptions right to your door so it's one less thing you have to worry about. It really came in handy during this move and saved me from having to switch pharmacies in our new neighborhood. It also gave me the time to completely focus on the move and not worry about my eyes swelling shut because I needed to get a prescription refilled. 

If you or a family member need recurring medications (even for seasonal allergies) here are some things to note about Phil as a service:

1. Phil is essentially free to you as the customer. It's the same normal copay you are used to paying plus free delivery. It's also stress free because they contact your old pharmacy and takes care of the paperwork for you. 

2. If you are concerned about staying local, Phil works with community-based independent pharmacies that are in your area. These pharmacies will deliver to your door on time, answer any questions over the phone, and deal with the heavy lifting so you can focus on other things. 

And once your meds have been delivered to your door, you need somewhere to keep them right? Which brings me to the DIY project portion of this post. You guys this box was so great for keeping my allergy meds out and visible once Phil delivered them to me pre-move! I didn't need to worry about sneezing my head off in the U-Haul.

To understand what a transformation this box really is, we have to take a look at the before photos. I needed something with a handle, and used this reference photo as my inspiration. I ended up finding this blue metal tin at Goodwill for $3.99 and thought it was perfect for this project. After a scrub and general cleaning it was good to go!

What you will need for this project: 

- Thrifted metal tin or box
- Xacto knife
- Assorted craft paint in colors of your choosing
- Cardstock
- Paintbrush
- Scissors
- Mod Podge
- Painters Tape

To spray paint your tin you will need to cover anything you dont want painted in painters tape. I managed to do this somewhat precisely by cutting out the shape of the metal findings with an Xacto knife. Make sure everything is covered and then spray away and allow to dry. It is possible you will need more than one coat of paint so make sure to snag a spray paint that has a built in primer. 

I love this "painters touch" brand from Home Depot and choose it over the stuff sold at the craft store. It bonds to metal, wood and plastic so I use it in a variety of projects.

Transformed! Once your spray paint is dry and your tape is carefully peeled off, you are ready to make the colorful "medical cross" to adorn the front off the box. If ever in an emergency, this cross lets someone know that medical supplies are inside. I used my box for my allergy meds, but put first aid supplies and band aids in it as well just in case.

You will need to paint an abstract pattern on your cardstock that you will later cut a sampling from. For this step little instruction is needed, just paint a vague pattern you like with colors of your choosing until you have an abstract pattern that you are satisfied with. Let dry for an hour.

Above is what I ended up with for mine, I went back in with black and white to add the dots. 

Cut out your cross (I just searched for an image on Google and printed it out to scale) and then pick and area of your pattern to sample.

The final step is to moge podge your cross on and seal it in. I found it easy to just paint glue on the back and line it up to place it. Then I used a thin coat of sealant to keep it in place and uniform. 

After that, you are done! You have a very functional and very cute medical box to keep medications and first aid supplies in. I love how this one turned out and I will be keeping this box in my pantry for future seasons. 

Thank you again to Phil for sponsoring this post! The timing was truly perfect. 

If you are interested in switching your medications to Phil and getting them delivered to you, first time customers currently get $20 off their co-pay (or $20 off meds if uninsured) while supplies last. Check it out here.


This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group and Phil, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #PhilRx
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