Ski Sweater | Ariel and Alder

Ski Sweater

Happy Tuesday! 

I have loads of homework (and "work" work) piling up on my desk so I will keep it short today! 
Sharing some snaps of an outfit combo that I wore on my recent trip to NYC. This sweater+skirt+tights combination that was a go-to my whole trip. I even broke down and paid the high ticket for the hotel dry cleaning service to clean it just so I could wear it some more.

I also cant give this fluted skirt a bigger thumbs up! Its versatile (duh!), comfortable, and hits at just the right length. Fellow short girls, you may want to stop at your local J.Crew Factory to pick one of these up!

Have a wonderful week everyone!


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1 comment:

  1. Absolutely love your sweater, too cute! Great photos, thanks for sharing!
    xx, Mikkaela
    The Southwestern Prepster
