Tips For Thrifting | Ariel and Alder

Tips For Thrifting

I love retail shopping, but I love thrift shopping even more


1.) Its supremely inexpensive (seriously less than coffee sometimes!) Imagine a store where everything is 95% off MSRP

2.) It presents the opportunity to find completely "unique to you" items for your home and wardrobe. 

3.) Its perfect for items to DIY and creates authentic vintage fit if thats what you're going for. Shoulder pads, boyfriend fit, empire waist, full skirts....the whole deal.

Throw everything you think you know about sizing out the window/ This should go without saying but just try it on. 00's sometimes fit like 4's and larges sometimes look like mediums. Retailers  are often really terrible about sizing standards. So when different decades, styles, and retailers are all jumbled together you have no idea how something will fit. Ignore the tag, hold it up, and try it on!

Make sure to check for rips, tears, and missing buttons before you buy/ Lesson learned on this one. Nothing worse than finding something you love, to go home and find out that its damaged. Unless you are good with a thread and needle, then by all means go ahead! 

Goodwill is underrated/ Portland is often "known" for thrifting, but because of this recent popularity stores have upped their impressive inventory and prices! Goodwill is king and often they don't know what they have when they have something good. I have found everything from Jimmy Choos to a J.Crew puffer vest at my local goodwill. 

I also love checking out Goodwills when I'm on the road if I have the time. You would be shocked at how the area affects the inventory. I was talked into shopping at the Palm Springs goodwill and it was my favorite to date. I picked up my favorite (still in store!) Ferragamo Flats, a 1970's Hermes belt, my favorite Coach crossbody (pictured below), and a white label Lilly Pulitzer skirt. 

Best day ever, I think I spent around 80 dollars.

Searching for brands and looking for fun pieces are two completely different games/ Looking for unique pieces that inspire regardless of the brand? Easy. Just leisurely stroll through the store and look at patterns, colors, and textures. Nothing strike your fancy? Just leave. 

Looking for high brands is a different story. To know what the store has you have to spend a ton of time thumbing through the racks and dig dig dig dig....till you finally pass out. 

Apples and oranges.

Check out books and movies/ Total Disney freak speaking here, but the books and movies always have movies that are currently in the Disney Vault (don't know what that is? see here) Totally worth a glance.

Wash everything when you get home, and evaluate which items your not willing to buy used or "pre-loved" before you go/ Wash everything, you don't know where that item has been (which is part of the experience) but assume that its a little icky and give it a thorough cleaning. 

Along these lines know what you are and are not willing to buy used. I have friends that think that used shoes are gross, and others that think used shoes are totally fine. Its up to you, but just keep in mind your thrifting "boundaries"

Outfit Details: Shirt (thrifted, duh! Similar here)/ Bar Necklace (exact/ similar)/ Turquoise Necklace (c/o)/ Felt Hat/ Denim/ Earrings/ Riding Boots (on clearance)/ Ring (c/o)

Happy Thrifting! 


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  1. Great post! I always love hearing about the good things other people have found at thrift stores! I am actually going in a few hours with some friends so I will definitely keep your tips in mind!
    xo, Scarlett
    The Trendy Chick

  2. I love your tips! I used to go to thrift stores all the time, but haven't been in a while so your post has definitely inspired me to go again soon. One of my favorite things to get at thrift stores are board games since they are so expensive new!

    Jenni // The Beautiful Little Fools
